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“I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of planet earth and promise to promote education so we may become caretakers of our air, water, forests, land, and wildlife.”

We offer opportunities for membership, volunteerism, sponsorship, and we are a tax exempt non-profit organization for your charitable donations and endowments. More details below!

We welcome new members. Dues are only $20 a year, payable at the Annual Meeting each Spring or by sending a check with your name and address to the Treasurer, at:

Augusta Nature Club
P.O. Box 5335
Augusta Maine 04332-5335

Monthly meetings are held from September to May, (no meetings in January and February) on the 4th Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise stated. Meetings start at 1 PM and are held at the Viles Mansion at 71 Stone Steet, Augusta, Maine. In lieu of indoor meetings, club field trips are planned for the summer months. More details about the meetings can be found on the EVENTS page. The Augusta Nature Club promises it will not publish or give out any personal information of its members. Membership lists will not be given nor sold to any third party. You can learn more about the history, affiliations and officers of the Augusta Nature Club on our ABOUT US page. More information is also available by e-mail.

Do you have a group of 2 or more that wants to volunteer? We can use your help. Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts. Church groups. Civic groups. Clubs. It is easy to do: just CONTACT one of the Nature Center Managers or send us an e-mail and ask.

Kents Hill School: Twice a year for many years, Kents Hill School has dedicated a “day of caring” to the Nature Center. The students have pushed many wheelbarrows of stone dust on access trails to the South Bridge, the South Brookside Trail, and the trail to Deadmans Cave. We are very grateful.

We never forget the hard work of our volunteers! Like the Maine Conservation Corps: as part of a day of training volunteers, the group came to the Nature Center and assisted with the leveling of the trail to Deadman’s Cave in April of 2005. Thank you: again, and still!

Be Recognized on a Trail Entry Sign:
There can be 1 identification sign at each public entrance. We’ll print your Business, Interest Group or Individual Name on the bottom of the sign! Everyone entering and exiting will be able to recognize your support. Support is $600 for 12 months, renewable if you wish. There is no implied commitment for additional years (of course we hope you will continue if you are able). Signs are available now!

Adopt a Trail:
FREE! The purpose of this sponsorship is to help keep the Center trails free of litter. Most of the litter that arrives in the Center is carried in by the wind. Sponsors would be expected to police their trail in the spring and fall (at least). Your name can be displayed on a trail sign to indicate your support if you wish. This FREE sponsorship would be ideal for student groups (i.e. science class), clubs (i.e. KEY Club) from Schools or non-profit groups in the greater Augusta area.

We are a TAX EXEMPT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (IRS 501-C3)! The Augusta Nature Club has enjoyed tax exempt status since 1965. CONTACT US for more information. All donations will be recognized by a charitable tax receipt and a thank you letter within 30 days.

Donations can also be sent directly to:

Treasurer: Augusta Nature Club
PO Box 5335
Augusta, ME 04332-5335

Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets or Memorial Gifts are graciously accepted. Retirement plan assets can be the most heavily taxed of all your assets if left to heirs. Following your death, these assets may, in fact, generate income in respect of a descendant and subject family members to income and estate taxes. In some situations, you can increase the amount passing to heirs, meet your philanthropic goals and improve your overall tax situation by making a gift of retirement plan assets to a charitable organization, such as the Augusta Nature Education Center. For example, a widow wants to make a charitable bequest to us in her will, with the balance of her estate passing to her only child. If our organization is named the beneficiary of the retirement plan assets, her child will benefit by inheriting more assets that are free of income taxes like real estate and stock instead of an inheritance that is subject to heavy taxation.

This area of estate planning is relatively complex, so you should seek professional advice before making a gift of your retirement plan assets. Dividing your assets between family and charitable interests, however, may be the best option for all involved. CONTACT US if we can answer any questions for you.